Do you keep track of your RVUs?
In a recent episode of How I Doctor, Dr. Eric Bricker of AHealthcareZ told Dr. Graham Walker, Offcall's co-founder, that all physicians should take a page from the playbook of radiologists, who are experts when it comes to calculating their RVUs.
“Radiologists, they know their RVUs cold. And the key to making money as a radiologist is [knowing] your RVUs. Because if you're churning and burning and reading, you're literally generating 22,000 to 24,000 RVUs per year. A primary care doc is generating 4,000 RVUs per year,” Eric said.
And as an expert in healthcare finance, Eric would know. His platform is filled with educational videos aimed at helping physicians navigate the complicated world of corporate medicine, from billing to coding, prior-authorizations, prescription drug pricing and more.
All of the complexities can make it easy for physicians to get lost in the system and passively accept their paychecks without questioning if they are losing out on potential earnings from their employer. One method Eric urges physicians to consider is tracking their own RVUs in a spreadsheet.
“There's a lot of doctors that don't know how to use a spreadsheet. What is something that you can do as a doctor? You need to know how to use a spreadsheet. You need to be able to figure out how to build your own spreadsheets and be able to figure out and track your own RVUs and how you're getting paid,” he shared.
How I Doctor is a podcast from Offcall where Dr. Graham Walker connects with fellow physicians across the country to educate, elevate, and empower doctors by sharing inspiring stories of how to live a fulfilling career.
You can listen to this episode of How I Doctor above and access the full transcript here. Also join another discussion about how to negotiate a raise here. Read more from Dr. Eric Bricker by subscribing to AHealthcareZ here.
Should physicians keep track of their own RVUs? How can healthcare systems better administer RVU-based models so physicians feel confident they are compensated fairly? Let us know your opinions in the comments.